  • home page Science fiction The Legend of the So
  • The Legend of the So
  • author: The Sand Sage renew: 2024-08-31
  • state: Serialized
  • Tony tapped his fingers on the table, deep in thought. He mused to himself, "Since Fury sent over the files, they obviously know the outcome as well. Looks like SHIELD has no solutions, we're the only hope left.",Finally, Tony made up his mind and said: "My comrades! Now the world is in dire straits, people are tormented by monsters, I hate my own powerlessness, so I decided to go back in time to find the savior, that is the exorcism hero from ancient China who has disappeared in the modern world - the Taoist priest. Comrades, does anyone want to accompany me Make it clear beforehand, this journey is dangerous, registration is purely voluntary.",With a *snap*, a fire talisman stuck to the Thunder God's head. "Where did you come from, white trash You dare mock this old master Take this!" Guan Heng cast a spell, and the Thunder God's head immediately turned black with scorch marks!。

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