Lu Ning looked up, a little dazed. The lack of sense of time was dreadful, and she also felt that her memory was fragmented. Not only did she not remember how she got here, but there seemed to be something missing from some of her past memories, no matter how hard she tried to recall them.,Lú Níng originally thought she would smell a musty odor, but unexpectedly, the room had no sign of decay. Although some things did look faded due to age, they were still intact. Behind a short hallway lay a grand hall that still gave off a sense of grandeur. A huge square table with white tablecloth was surrounded by rows of finely crafted mahogany armchairs. Giant antique chandeliers illuminated the entire hall, making it bright and warm. The wooden floor creaked slightly underfoot, giving a very comfortable feeling.,The estate's name is Green Mountain Estate. It was established by a collector who loved European architecture, surnamed Tang. The handbook didn't provide much information about the history of the estate, but instead described in detail the collection of artifacts that Mr. Tang placed within it.。